The LAMPA International Impact Film Festival has finished accepting submissions for competitive selection of films that are united by an important element — impact content with a meaningful and deep message that inspires viewers to positive changes. The most popular themes of this season are cultural heritage, family values, attention to the elderly and inclusion.

A total of 524 applications from 54 countries were submitted for the X anniversary Film Festival.
The festival films of LAMPA 2023 are a motivational resource that offers new formats of behavior in society. The competitive works of the Film Festival do not fit the definition of "movie for the evening". These films do not let go, they open up topics for reflection and discussion, involve whole volunteer movements in solving social problems and offer a completely new technology for effective changes.
The Directorate of the Film Festival summed up the interim results, selecting films that will compete for a place in the short list of this year's LAMPA. Among the participants of the competitive selection there are traditionally both amateurs and professionals of the film industry, holders of prestigious film awards.
It is very gratifying to see that the artistic and technical level of films entering the competition is growing every year. It is also noteworthy that the trend for impact content penetrates deeper into animation. The jury will have a difficult task of choosing the best animation work, as many profound, moving animated projects have been submitted for the competition.
In 2023, LAMPА, as before, acts as an international socio-cultural platform, where the language of cinema with the audience speaks about genuine human values. Such films were sent to the jury by directors from Brazil, Kazakhstan, Africa, France, Italy, Turkey, Spain, Germany, Canada, Argentina, Indonesia, Armenia, Egypt, etc.
The Directorate of the International Film Festival thanks all the participants for their interest in the competition.

The short list will be announced on June 30, follow the news on the website of the film festival!
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