Short list of competition entries of LAMPA 2023 has been formed
Photo: Ilya Volokhov
Announcement of the short-list of the LAMPA Film Festival each year becomes a true reflection of pressing social and global problems requiring our attention and actions. Films chosen for the festival answer the need of society for staying positive, for finding a support and never losing hope.
525 social-oriented shorts, videos and social ads from 63 countries were submitted for the contest this year. Besides, 87 films were submitted for special nomination founded in cooperation with the UN Refugee Agency. All the films presented narrate about people and events that cause positive changes in the society all over the world.
Jury members had a difficult choice to make. As a result of contest evaluation 56 works from 12 countries (Russia, Armenia, Denmark, Mexico, France, Iran, India, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria and Canada) were included in the short list.
Among the short-listed directors there are both professionals and amateurs, and also participants of LAMPA competitive selections of previous years. Directors treat their subjects in different ways – with humour or with a note of sadness, but they all tell about the impact, showing technique of social problems solving.
Various problems are raised in this year’s feed. The French social video “Paris 2024” tells us about a young lady who dreamt about the Olympic Games and diligently prepared for them, but from now on she doesn’t even have an opportunity to train. The director raises awareness about the important issues such as gender equality, women’s rights and freedom of self-expression. The documentary “Clothes that teach to live'' demonstrates fashion clothing as an inalienable right of every child to comfort and self-expression, regardless of their physical and mental features. The film “Where do dads go?” tells about a little girl who mentally goes off in search of the place where the dads, who left their family, live, so it makes one think about the importance of family values and the role of fatherhood.
The short-listed films can be seen at the film festival in Perm, and you can not only see the films, but also hear the inspiring stories of directors and heroes of the competitive selection firsthand. Award ceremony for the Winners will be held on October 8 during the anniversary film festival LAMPA FILM FEST 2023 in Perm, Russia. We thank all the participants of the competitive selection of “LAMPA” 2023 for the works submitted with belief in invaluable contribution in the development of impact cinema!
Short list 2023Read more
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