On international culture day, school children from all over the country will see the kindest films! ❘ Новости проекта «ЛАМПА»

International film festival

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On international culture day, school children from all over the country will see the kindest films!


On 15 April 2021, the International Day of Culture, the nationwide Good Film Day campaign will take place in educational institutions. "Good Film Day is a single day of viewings of socially oriented short films about the meaning of volunteering and modern heroes who change lives for the better, for children, their parents and teachers. A special selection of LAMPA International Film Festival short films in an interactive format tells the story of such important issues as reducing inequality, preserving the environment and ecosystems of the planet, and promoting socially important initiatives. The LAMPA Film Festival has been held since 2014 in the Russian Federation, at significant international venues and brings together representatives of 132 countries. With more than 9,000 entries in its roster, the Film Festival is a unique cinematic record of people and organisations changing the world for the better to promote the themes of volunteerism, charity and social innovation in the language of film.

The film festival forms a unique information and cinematographic base, and positions the role of cinema in the spiritual and moral education of the growing generation. The focus of every film is on stories about real people who have changed the world around them. 

The film festival was included in the List of International Film Festivals in the Russian Federation for the year 2021 by Order No. 1692 of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation of 24.12.2020.

Pre-school, general and vocational education institutions, institutions of higher and additional education of the Russian Federation are invited to take part in Good Film Day.

The organisers provide participants with methodological materials for film screenings, as well as a special selection of films to be shown in educational institutions in the age categories 6+, 12+ and 16+. At the end of the campaign, the educational institution receives a letter of appreciation signed by the president and the chairman of the jury of the Film Festival.

Formats for the campaign:

  • Conducting offline classes with the demonstration of the socially significant content of the LAMPA film festival and equipping the venue with technical means: screen, projector, sound equipment.
  • Conducting online classes with the demonstration of the socially significant content of the LAMPA Film Festival.
  • Independent viewing of a selection of LAMPA films by students of educational institutions.
  • The event was organised by the National Association for the Development of Education "Friendship Notebook" with the support of the Presidential Grants Fund.

Further information: tel.: +7 (495) 241-26-97 (ext. 109), info@lampa.film. Denis Getman, manager of the LAMPA International Film Festival.

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